4 Tips For Selecting a Dairy Goat

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4 Tips For Selecting a Dairy Goat

Mar 22 2018 by Chaffhaye

Having preference for a certain goat breed over others does not mean that some breeds are superior to others but an indication that there are as many goat breeds as the needs of the potential owner. One thing is for sure however, that whatever breed of goat you choose should be healthy and friendly. This is the only way to ensure that you get quality milk products and safe interaction with the goat. The main purpose of a dairy goat is milk provision so it is wise to base your selection criteria on factors that point to this end.


Some people assume that if an udder is low-hanging the goat is a high volume milk producer. That may be true to some extent but you need to protect your investment and a low hanging udder is too risky. Since it is already hanging, it means that it can only go lower making milking impossible with time. There is also the risk of getting torn by objects on the ground and milk contamination because of its proximity to the ground level.


Although teat size is genetically determined, there is a need to have that are just the right size to fit in your hand if you will be hand milking. The hole through which milk comes from should be big enough to allow convenient milking. People have been known to spend up to an hour obtaining milk that would not fill a small cup just because the orifice is tiny.


Most people who are on the lookout for dairy goats to buy are rarely concerned about the color of the goat. It is true that color is not a priority but you will need to have good looking goats when the time comes for disposing off extra kids as pets.


Did you know that the upbringing a goat has had determines how it relates to other goats, humans and the environment? The temperament of a goat is a product of its environment as well as what it has inherited from its parents. To avoid buying a goat that is notorious for kicking its pail of milk, check the history of its parents and relationship with the previous owner